Logo. Square border. Illustration of igloo with yellow entrance. Blue sky, snow on ground. Igloo Counselling in text

Igloo Counselling

with Linzi Worrall



As a Person-Centred Counsellor, I have valuable experience working with people experiencing a range of difficulties including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, stress, relationship difficulties, abuse and bereavement.

I offer a safe, non-judgemental and confidential relationship where we can explore with gentle curiosity, what is going on for you. 

It’s a space to explore who you are and how you feel; to understand and process what has happened and how you’ve got to where you are now. We can use that to help you to make sense of things, to create a sense of growth and healing, and to discover how you would like to create meaningful change.

It’s my job to gently guide you through this exploration and healing. I might draw your attention to something that you have said, or an emotion in the room. I might gently ask you about experiences that have happened in the past, or help you to notice any similarities in your responses. We won’t have to talk about things you are not ready to or don’t want to. I will sit alongside you and work at your pace, with whatever you decide to bring.

Sometimes you might struggle to put your experience into words. It can feel too overwhelming or like there aren’t the words to express what you feel. If this is the case we can explore different ways of getting in touch with and expressing these feelings, such as imagery or metaphor, noticing sensations in your body, drawing, writing or anything else that makes it easier to share what you need to.

We will work together to gain a sense of clarity and understanding, to help you to find your own way forward.

If you would like to book an initial session or would like to know more, please get in touch by emailing me at:


Linzi is a Counsellor based in Cheltenham, UK.